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How to Make Sure Your Horoscope Is a Positive One


  How to Make Sure Your Horoscope Is a Positive One

In almost every culture for almost the whole of history, people have put their expectations of the future into the hands of fortune-tellers. It is easy to see why. Some people seem to be blessed with good luck, and everything goes their way. Even if their performance at school is only average, a fantastic job drops into their lap. They meet someone beautiful and talented with whom they have an interesting and varied life, full of opportunity and fulfillment. Others seem to have no luck. 

Everything goes against them however hard they work. They seem permanently short of money, short of friends and disaster-prone.

How, then, to make sure that your horoscope is positive? Well, it requires adjusting your mind-set.

Firstly, you have to make sure that you have realistic expectations for life. Most of us are quite average in our achievements, luck and overall happiness. That is after all what average means! If you have talents, don't bank on them being your passport to a fabulously successful life. Don't be that person on the talent show who weepingly proclaims that winning means everything. If you put all your hopes on one event, you stand to be completely crushed if you don't get the golden ticket. Let's face it, only a tiny number of people do get the golden ticket to become Olympic champions, famous actors or chart-topping musicians. And don't believe that everyone who seems to have a perfect life does. Some people are better at pretending than others!

Aim for the stars by all means, but have several back-up plans in reserve, and develop all your talents as you go through life.

Keep, or re-discover, the interest that you had in the world when you were a child. The awe and wonder at the world you live in. It is easy to meet each day with enthusiasm if you have a child-like curiosity in what the day will bring.

Develop personal qualities such as perseverance, mental flexibility, and courage. If you give up at the first hurdle or don't even tackle the first hurdle in case you fail, then you will have truly failed. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. It's also true that we learn by our mistakes. We learn about ourselves - our strengths and weaknesses and what matters to us.

Be a good and honest friend and neighbor. Do good turns for people. Put yourself out for them. Take time to chat and listen to the people you meet. Your efforts will be met with genuine friendship.

I can't guarantee that everything will always go well for you, but with good friends and the underlying belief that there are no problems, only challenges, your journey through life becomes ever more positive. And who needs a horoscope then?

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