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what is a civil engeneering ?

civil engennering

                        What does civil engenering do?

An engineer is a graduate engineer United Nations agency styles and oversees the development of construction, such as roads, bridges, dams, tunnels, buildings, airports, water and waste systems, and infrastructure alternative giants comes.

The field of engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering, from qualitative analysis to that of individuals who have begun to live in permanent establishments and have begun to arrange their environment according to their desires. . As the population grew and more and more teams formed in cities, it became increasingly important to search for reliable sources of fresh water, a way to get rid of waste, a network of streets. and roads for trade and commerce. for individuals to defend against hostile neighbors. The first civil engineers were therefore called to build walls, roads, bridges, dams and dikes; and dig wells, ditches and trenches.

Among the best-known techniques of the past and the roads of the empire, the beautiful wall of China, the pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge, the houses of formation of Mesa Verde; and Mayan ruins in Copan, Palenque and Tikal. the development of many of these wonders by pre-industrial societies remains mysterious and, as a result, the names of engineers designed by the United Nations agency have been lost in antiquity.

The most recent history is also marked by the marvels of engineering associated with the Eiffel Tower, named after Gustave Eiffel, the French engineer who designed it; Bridge Strait, designed by Joseph Strauss and Charles Ellis; the seaway (John Frank Stevens); the dike (John L. Savage); and so the Brooklyn Bridge, designed by John August, engineer | John Augustus Roebling | engineer | applied scientist | technologist} and his son, Washington Roebling.

Modern civilization is generally described by its designed framework. Buildings and bridges are usually the main structures to remember because they are the most remarkable technical creations. However, civil engineers are also responsible for less visible creations and contributions. every time we tend to open a spit, we tend to expect water to come out, stupidly that civil engineers have created, which was feasible, in many cases by proposing systems of transportation of water to cities from mountain sources generally several kilometers apart.

So, an engineer is a person. A UN agency uses the field of knowledge to strengthen infrastructure and community amenities that meet basic human desires.

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