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Mobile Phones Radiation Health Risks

work safety

Mobile phones radiation health risks

    While the world prepares to launch 5G services, the problem of health risks looms.
The outcome of the extensive study by the US National Institutes of Health was inconclusive. While it showed an increased risk of mutation leading to tumor growth or tissue damage and DNA in one group of rodents, another group did not show any obvious health problems related to exposure.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, radiation exposure is a powerful carcinogen in humans. This means that long-term exposure to radiation can cause serious damage.
But here's something to think about. Studies of animals exposed to radiation were conducted for a few sets of hours each day.

Studies have been based on exposure to second and third generation, but what is now prevalent is the third and fourth generation in each home coupled with the continued use of Wi-Fi. Now IOT (Internet of Things) is another trend slowly leaking into every aspect of our lives by connecting every possible electrical device through the Internet. This radiation exposure is at a very high level. This leads to an increase in the nature of the online medical store business.

With the promise of better service, telecommunications companies are setting up their antennas close to everywhere. In order to facilitate 5G services, a greater number of cell towers will be installed which means increased exposure to cell tower radiation. This is a threat not only to the aesthetics of the region but also to the entire ecosystem that includes bird populations as well as plant life. This radiation on the population can cause diabetes
So how do you reduce exposure to these radiation?

You can't really avoid moving with technological developments happening everywhere. You should be part of it. However, here are some tips to help you reduce exposure to these harmful radiation:

-Don't sleep with your mobile phone or a closed tab for you. Put it away from bed.
-Use the headset for calls you know and it will take a long time.
-Close the wireless router's night hours in your home.
-Do not carry your phone in your body.
-Avoid using Bluetooth headsets.
-Most importantly reduce screen time.
-Make changes to your diet and include more antioxidant-rich foods.
-Fitness supplements web sites there are BP screens and other devices
-We can't escape it altogether, it's part of the dangers of technological advances of the digital age, but -we need to try to limit our exposure to some degree. These are very simple steps that can go a long ---way in reducing the effects of constant exposure to these harmful radiation.

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